Process Safety Management Practices
A process safety management (PSM) is a part of safety management and engineering system. The PSM system aims to ensure that technology facilities such as chemical plants, refineries, gas processing plants and offshore drilling platforms and so high-risk industries have access to safe design and operation. This system is focused on prevention of major technological accidents such as: fire, explosion and leakage of toxic chemicals. They also is a management control process that includes plans, procedures, audit and evaluation for handling hazardous substances, these controls will contribute to help for identify, understand and control process hazards.
The Process Safety Management Training is not provided for management and the employees and contractors under workers management procedures, this is an executive tools for everyone involved. All stakeholders such as; managers, employees and contractors wotkers are responsible for the successful implementation the PSM. This system is started early in design stage, but they continously improvement as well as technolgy changes.
On Successful completion of this program the participant will be able to:
- Learn the core concepts of fundamental Process Safety Management system & application in industry
- Understand how to modify & improve the existing Process Safety Management system without avoid the safety and business aspects
- Learn how implement the tools of cost effective system as a basic to control production program
- Have a detailed knowledge of the optimization of safety practices, in order to maximize facility and minimize risk with identify, understand and control process hazards.
- Safety Manager/Superintendent/Engineer/Planner/Supervisor
- Project, Maintenance Engineer
- Process & Manufacturing/Engineer
- Production Planner/Engineer/PPIC/Operation Engineer
- Professionals.
- Scale of Contractor Use
- Process safety culture and competency
- Process safety information (PSI)
- Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
- Management of Change (MOC)
- Permit-to-work Procedures
- Emergency Planning & Response
- Compliance Audits
- Asset integrity and reliability
- Plan Maintenance & Operations
- Start Up and Shut Down; Organising, Planning and Controlling
- DATE : 26-28 March, 2014
- TIME : 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
- VENUE : Bandung
Course fee is Rp. 7.250.000,- /delegate and including; lunch, training kit, 2 x Coffee break/day, Course certificate, excluding accommodation and Tax.
Note: Discount 5% if send more than 1 delegate and 3 % early bird (Should be paid 1 week before the event)
For further information please contact:
- Tel: (62) (021) 39837475 Info 24/7 : (62) (0 21) 70897550
- Fax: (62) (021) 398 37477 PIN BB 27F7CD13 or 24F39AE7
- Ir. Taruli Sibuea MSc
Qualification: Master of Science in Safety University of Winconsin –Stout, USA First degree (S1): Chemical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). 22 years experience in Industry i.e: 6 (six) years as a Process Engineer that includes; Process Engineer in refinery & petrochemical plant PERTAMINA, Plaju. Serves as process adviser to refinery & petrochemical plants for effectiveness & efficiency of unit operations and in the last 16 (sixteen) in several positions such as; Lead Safety Engineer & Loss Prevention & Environmental Affairs, Directorate of Processing PERTAMINA, Loss prevention advice to management, evaluate of emergency preparedness, monitor/perform incident investigation, reporting, record keeping and trend analysis, others. Instructor experience i.e: Several training related to HSE and Fire Protection. HAZOP Leader at PERTAMINA Blue Sky Program, Balongan, HAZOP Leader PERTAMINA LPG, Cilacap, HAZOP Facilitator CONOCO Phillips Facilities, Sumsel, MIGAS Instructor such as; Storage Tank Safety. Visitor Lecturer at Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia in subject Safety Management. Attended Course; Military Course, SESKO ABRI Bandung.
- Ir. Alfino. Alwie M.Sc
Professional Experience: 11 (Eleven) Years experience in Aircraft industry that includes; Investigation of design for improved civil aircraft maintainability, high temperature oxidation alloys and on job training at several Europe companies, such as: Airbus Industry & Rolls Royce, Britania Airways. Last 12 (Twelve) years in Oil & Gas, petrochemical industries i.e: PETRONAS, Trans Thailand Malaysia (TTM) for Process Safety Management training and review, Santos-Indonesia Process Safety Management Internal Audit, FPSO Belanak CONOCOPHILIPS, Unocal-West Seno, SAPI-HANOVER, TOTAL PECIKO 3-4, CNOOC especially in Safety Management System Review for certification purposes, as Independent Certification Team (ICT)-MIGAS and also active to develop Risk Based Inspection, Reliability Centered Maintenance and Risk Assessment such as: KONDUR PSA, RBUI-BP-Indonesia, CNOOC, EXXONMOBIL, BP-Sub marine Pipelines, PT PUPUK KALTIM Tbk, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak. Qualification: Master degree from Cranfield University, UK especially in the field of Safety, Reliability, Availability and Maintainability, as a member Safety & Reliability Society & Institution Occupational, Safety & Health UK. Course attended: Advance Reliability Analysis (Cranfield School of Engineering, U.K), Certified Managing Safely by IOSH, U.K, others